Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


7 Healthy Habits To Do Everyday

This year I did not make any New Year’s Resolutions for fairly obvious reasons (thank you 2020). But what I am trying to do, is build habits everyday that make me happy and contribute to an overall sense of well being. These are small habits that you can easily integrate into your day that can have a profound impact on your mental and physical health.

1. Journal

I got the Five Minute Journal for Christmas and I have committed to journaling every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed. You do not have to buy a specific journal for this, but I find the prompts in this journal to be helpful. It does help to write down and take note of things you are grateful for everyday and reflect on what went well that day, and what you can do better tomorrow.

2. Have a treat you look forward to having every morning

Like many adults (lol), I look forward to my morning coffee. It is part of my morning routine and I genuinely look forward to making my cup when I wake up. Having a small indulgence like a cup of tea or coffee to motivate you to get up and get your day going is a small action, that can get your whole day going. If there is anything 2020 has taught me, is that it is so important to find joy in simple moments, like a cup of coffee.

3. Take your vitamins

I started taking Athletic Greens about 1-2 months ago, which essentially replace my daily multivitamin and I love having this as part of my morning routine. It feels like I am taking care of my body when I have my green juice every morning. Making a healthy choice first thing in the morning can help you to continue to make healthy choices throughout the day.

4. Make food that excites you and fuels you

I find it really helpful to start off my day with a delicious and nutritious breakfast. I love making smoothies and my avocado toast. They taste so good to me, and they also are starting me off on a healthy note. When I am at work and can’t make a smoothie, a really good breakfast is plain oatmeal, with peanut butter and banana. Super fast and healthy.

5. Move your body

Find movement in your body everyday. This could be taking your dog on a walk around the neighborhood, using the resistance bands you bought back in march or investing in some gym equipment and riding a stationary bike. I feel better after I get a good workout in my day, even when it’s only 20 minutes. I know many people make resolutions of about losing weight or doing “x” minutes of working out everyday, but I find it is much better to focus on the action and not the result. Find joy in moving your body and worry less about the weight.

6. Get outside

This past year has made me appreciate the outdoors so much more than ever before. The importance of getting outside, and seeing the sun can’t be overstated. I can feel a difference in my mood when I get outside and take my dog for a walk.

7. Put on an outfit that makes you feel good

2020 was the year of sweats, and don’t get me wrong I was a fan. But sometimes, it feels good to put on some real clothes. Even if it is only to go to the grocery store. When I am feeling bleh, I will take off the sweatpants or leggings and put on an outfit that I feel good in and I find that it instantly boosts my mood.

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