Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


My Go-To Smoothie Recipe

A bit of a random post here, but I have a really good smoothie recipe that I wanted to share. On the days I work from home, or on the weekends I will whip up this smoothie in my trusty Magic Bullet and it’s refreshing and great after a workout too. I really don’t measure anything and eyeball it. I feel like measuring defeats the purpose of this being a quick snack, but that’s just me. For this smoothie, you will need the following

  • A blender (duh)
  • Frozen banana (I will peel my bananas, and freeze them in a Tupperware. This is the key step to make your smoothie thick and creamy.)
  • Couple chunks of frozen mango
  • Couple frozen strawberries
  • Frozen blueberries to fill in the cracks
  • Couple spoonfuls of plain greek yogurt
  • Fill to the top with milk or water (I use Oat milk, as it makes the smoothie nice and creamy)

And that’s it! I do occasionally add chia seeds, or ground flaxseed to the top after blending to add some additional nutrients. Both chia seeds and flaxseed add a good amount of fiber. If I have spinach on hand I will also add that in because you don’t taste it and it adds additional nutrients.

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