Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


New Items I Tried from Trader Joe’s This Month

Another month, another Trader Joe’s haul. What can I say. I love Trader Joe’s and these are some of the new items I have tried this month. All of them were hits and I enjoyed all of them. I am looking forward to this Spring as the weather warms up and TJs starts dropping some new products with the changing of the season.

1. Vegan Taco Salad Kit

So I am not a vegan, but I do love TJs salad kits and they were out of my usual Southwest Salad kit, so I picked this up. If meatless meat freaks you out, you can simply not use the packet that comes with and just have a really good salad kit. I enjoyed this salad and would definitely repurchase.

2. Brussels Sprouts Sautรฉ Kit

Forgot to take a picture before I made this…oops! Next to the salad kits at TJs are their sautรฉ kits, which I am also a big fan of. This one was new and I decided to try it out. I enjoyed it, but it isn’t my favorite kit that I’ve tried. The lemon garlic vinaigrette was a bit heavy, but overall a good kit and good way to get some greens in.

3. Crunchy Curls Lentil Snack

I picked these up on a whim in the chip aisle and finished them in a couple days. The bag is a bit small, but I did enjoy them! The curls have a nice crunch to them and the lentil flavor comes through in a good way. Would pick up again.

4. Plant Folk Coconut Creamer

I love my coffee and I also love finding new creamers and milks to use in my coffee. I usually use basic oat milk, but this caught my eye. It was sweater than I was used to, and did add some nice flavor to my coffee. The one drawback is that it did not froth very well.
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