Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


New Items I Tried From Trader Joe’s This Month – April

Trader Joe’s always has new and interesting products every time I go there. I often have to restrain myself from buying all of their new items because I just get so excited and I seem to go grocery shopping when I’m hungry, which is a recipe for disaster. I tried a couple new items this past month and most of them were good and most of them I would buy again. I have already bought and baked the beer bread several times.

1. Trader Joe’s Beer Bread

I picked this up on a whim for a few reasons. The first is I like to bake and the second is I love a good bread. This was super simple to make and you really only need butter and a can of beer. This is really good with a pub cheese spread.

2. Corn, Pea, Bean and Quinoa Crisps

I saw this in the chip isle, and I love a salty snack so I picked them up. The bag is a bit small, but overall this were tasty! They had a nice spice to them and would be good with a humus dip as well.

3. Oversized Wafer Cookie with Peanut Butter

This was on the end cap for new items and I was craving something sweet, so this was easy to pick up. I finished it in one sitting and it was delicious. If you’re having a chocolate candy bar craving, this will do.

4. Organic Caesar Salad Kit

Trader Joe’s has such good salad kits and for some reason I have’t tried the caesar version. I finished this myself and it was really good. I didn’t use all the dressing, but it tasted like a good, classic caesar salad. Would be really tasty if you add some grilled chicken.
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