Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


What I’ve Read Recently – April

My third installment of what books I have been reading. After finishing Midnight Library, I took a bit of a break with reading that was not intentional, but just kind of happened. I just finished Untamed and already picked out my next book, so hopefully there won’t be as long of a break this time šŸ˜‚. I enjoyed all three books this month and got through them all pretty quickly when I actually started them.

Nothing to See Here – My mom recommended this one to me and I loved it. Super random plot, but I really enjoyed it. Fictional story of two friends and children who catch on fire. Fun light read!

The Midnight Library – Another recommendation from my Mom that seems to be on every must read list now. A very quick read that had some good twists in it. Favorite book of the month.

Untamed – Several of my friends have read this book and I borrowed my friend’s copy, which is always nice! This is more of a self-help/ inspirational book than anything else. It was a quick read once I started it. If you like self-help type books, worth picking up.

What I’m Reading Next

Maybe You Should Talk To Someone – This has been on ‘to read’ list for a while and it is finally time to crack open!

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