Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


White Sangria Recipe For Your Saturday

I decided during the week that I needed something to look forward to this weekend. It has been pretty toasty here in Chicago and I thought Sangria sounded like it would hit the spot. I googled around and finally settled on this recipe. I then picked up some of my favorite fruit at Trader Joe’s as well as a white wine that I’ve tried before and I know I like. I also grabbed a bottle of triple sec.

I poured everything into a large pitcher a couple hours before I wanted to have it so all the fruit would have time to infuse. If you make it beforehand and want to add something sparkling, just remember to wait to add that until you’re ready to serve.

When it was finally time to try it, it was so refreshing. Definitely would recommend picking up some of your favorite fruit and a bottle of wine and try making some for yourself this weekend. Enjoy!

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