Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


Best of 2019

It feels cliche, but what a rollercoaster of a year. Somehow the year dragged on, but now that it is 2020, it also feels like it flew by. There were a lot of highs and lows (who could forget the polar vortex and the never ending winter?) I’m recapping below some of my favorite moments of 2019.


2019 was a year filled with trips, big and small. In the beginning of the year, Sean and I escaped the cold and went to Florida. How nice it felt to be warm after the polar vortex. Then a couple months later we traveled to Maui, Hawaii, which is one of our favorite places.

I also went on a quick weekend trip to Charleston with one of my best friends from college, which was great. There’s a travel guide up on the blog about it! (

I also crossed another European city of my list. I visited my sister abroad in Prague. We had a great time with my parents as well traveling through the city and a day trip to a UNESCO heritage city. I will definitely be working on a travel guide coming soon!

The last trip of the decade! Sean and I did a quick trip to Austin, Texas and we had a blast. Delicious food, great bar scene and a lovely city. There is also a travel guide up on the blog for that trip! (

Rediscovered something

For the first time in years I went skiing again. We drove up for the day to Wisconsin and it was a lot of fun! Definitely scary at first, as it has been YEARS since I’ve gone down a hill, but once I got going it was a blast. If there is a hill near you, go try it out. Most hills offer lessons and it’s a great skill and hobby to have.

Became a Regular

Something that has always been on my bucket list is become a regular somewhere. It always seems so cool in movies, when the character walks into a bar or restaurant and the workers know them and know “the usual.” I have accomplished this feat. There is a bar near me that a lot of people in the neighborhood bring their dogs to and we have been bringing Sofie there since she was a puppy. We have become friends with the bartenders and Sofie loves going there too.

Started this Blog

The last highlight of this year has been starting this blog. I have thought about starting a blog for several years and I always made up excuses for why I couldn’t do it. I was afraid of judgement, afraid that I wouldn’t be able to figure it out and afraid that it would be stupid. Finally I told myself that if I want to do something, I should just go out and do it. Why wait to do it? Why wait to do things I want to do? I’m still figuring it out (aren’t we all?). And I’m not entirely sure where I want this to go, but I’m glad I’m working on it.

I hope in 2020 that I continue to figure it out and write posts that bring me and others joy. I hope you had a great 2019 and an even better 2020. Now time to get working on those resolutions.

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