Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


How to Cure the Quarantine Blues

A lot of us have more free time than usual right now. I am still going into work (Healthcare employee), but on the weekends because I am not going anywhere I have more time to sit around. And I go between wanting to do nothing and also wanting to be as productive as possible. In case you are in a similar headspace, I have compiled a list of things that I have been doing when I get bored or want to do something other than read the news (I recommend limiting the amount of news you are reading/watching).

As a side note, there is a lot of pressure to be using this free time to be as productive as possible. There is an excellent article in the New York Times about this that I highly recommend you read.

Go for a walk. We are still allowed to be outside in Illinois right now and the weather is finally getting nicer so being outside isn’t a chore. Make sure to avoid others if you are going outside and don’t meet up with others. If you have a dog, take your dog for a long walk. I think Sofie might start to go crazy if we go for anymore walks.

Read a book/journal. Since the start of the year, I have been making an effort to read more. It helps me unwind at the end of the day, and I’m not on a screen. I also got this hilarious journal, which I highly recommend. It’s not very serious, but I think that’s ok right now.

Bake banana bread. It seems like the whole internet is making banana bread right now and I’m no exception. I’ve made three loaves since being in quarantine. This is the recipe I have been using. If you don’t like banana bread, try to learn another simple recipe with the ingredients you have on hand. This Try Guys youtube video is an at home version of chopped, which would be fun to try!

Do a group FaceTime. FaceTime your friends. FaceTime your family. Check in on your grandparents. Do a happy hour FaceTime if you’re feeling fun.

Start a new Netflix show. We just finished Tiger King and you need to start it. Now. It is as crazy as the internet says it is. Here is a list of some of the best Netflix shows right now.

Do a facemask. This one I feel like is kind of obvious, but I had to include it. I have been doing a different facemask every other day and I think it really does help my skin.

Meditate. I use the headspace app, and I really like it. You do have to pay to use most of it, but there are a few free sections and Youtube has tons of free meditation content.

Do a puzzle. I unfortunately do not have a puzzle at my apartment, but I kind of wish I did. Looks very relaxing. Especially with a glass of wine.

Play video games. If you have a console laying around, pick a game and start playing. I have been seeing how everyone is playing Animal Crossing and I did just get a switch so I may have to give that a try.

Exercise. We got an indoor bike, which has been tremendously helpful. There are tons of free workouts on Youtube (some of my favorites here, and here). I also wrote a blog post on other free workout resources. Working out helps you not think about anything else for a period of time and lowers your stress level.

I hope this list is helpful to you when you’re bored and looking for something to do. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself to be productive. And another quote I saw that I like is assume positive intent. We are all very stressed right now and assume people are coming from a place of positivity. Take care of each other and it will get better.

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