Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


What I Wore – Vol 25

First week in the new apartment! This are still a bit all over the place here, but we are definitely making good progress and we get so much natural light so that makes the move all worth it. A lot of the same kind of outfits that I have been wearing again this week. It has started to get very hot, so I keep the dresses and skirts in pretty constant rotation.

Definitely wore this exact outfit last week, but oh well! Banana Republic sweater tank top and white chinos.

Was a bit cooler today, so longer sleeves and a pair of plaid trousers.

Basic black tank top and blue/purple trousers from Banana Republic.

Banana Republic dress again as it was 80ยบ+ today!

J Crew gingham pop over and black pencil skirt.

Walked around the new neighborhood today in this adorable white Abercrombie dress.

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