Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


Best Books of 2021

I made a goal of reading 24 books this year, which for me was pretty lofty. I got more into reading this year and prior to 2021, I didn’t really read for pleasure much. I found that reading this year provided a good escape and can be more helpful for my mental state than sitting in front of the TV for hours. So I did accomplish my goal of reading 24 books, which I am pretty proud of. I finished my last book of the year on December 31st, but it still counts! My reading was all over the place in terms of genres, but I enjoy trying different books recommended to me by different people. So here are my top recs for books I read this year.

Beach Read – If you’re looking for a classic vacation book, this is it. I read this over the summer while in Michigan and it was lovely. A little but Rom-Com, a little bit vacation. I really enjoyed this light-hearted book that had a happy ending. Pick this up for your next beach vacation.

Maybe You Should Talk to Someone – This isn’t really a self help book, but it definitely touches on going to therapy and mental health. It is a non-fiction book that is written by a therapist about her experiences in her practice as well as when she starts seeing a therapist. Would recommend if you want to learn more about yourself and are interested in going to therapy or just hear interesting stories from a therapist with some famous clients!

Between Two Kingdoms – This book was fantastic and had me in tears multiple times. It is a memoir about a young woman who is diagnosed with cancer and is trying to navigate her new life. Would recommend if you need a good cry and if you want to root for someone going through something.

The Vanishing Half – This book was everywhere when it came out and for good reason. One of the best fiction novels I read this year and I would read it again. Would recommend if you are looking for a novel to sink your teeth into that Barack Obama also loved. (They are also turning this into a series soon, so read it now!)

Atomic Habits – This book was recommended to me everywhere and I did get to reading it this year. This is full of tips on how to break bad habits as well as start new ones. A great self-help book to read in the new year.

The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*CK – This is a great book for shifting your perspective in the new year. The author speaks very plainly and gives a no-nonsense explanation of the world around us. Would recommend if you want a kick in the pants and a good laugh.

I Will Teach You to Be Rich – If you only read one book on this list to better yourself, it should be this one. This is an excellent book to read to get your finances in order. The author explains very clearly, step by step, how to be better with your finances.

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