Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


What I’ve Been Reading Recently

I didn’t make any New Years Resolutions except for wanting to read 10 books for the year. So nothing crazy obviously, but I still wanted a goal I could reach. And I have been ahead of schedule! Every couple of books, I will do another post as a way to keep track of everything.

As a note, you can order your books through instead of Amazon, and a portion of your purchase helps to support local bookstores. You can also check out your local library.

Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine – This book was a bit slow to start and I’ve heard that you either love or hate this book and once I got into it, I really liked it! The main character is not your typical hero or protagonist, but she grows on you.

Action Park – I originally picked up this book for my boyfriend because he has read about Action park before and was interested in it, so once he finished it I read it. It is a very lighthearted read and quite funny at times. Would recommend reading the wikipedia on this insane amusement park and if it peaks your interest at all, pick up the book.

I Will Teach You To Be Rich – This is an excellent book to read if you want to improve your finances this year but don’t know where to start. The author does a good job of setting you up to succeed even if you don’t know anything about finances.

What I’m Reading Next

Atomic Habits – I’ve been seeing this book all over the place and I decided to pick it up. Will report back if I like it and found it helpful.

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