Griebs On the Go

Daily life, travel and a little bit of everything else


Sunday For the Soul

I’m starting a new series here on the blog. A list of happy things that have happened to me and some happy news around the internet. So please enjoy some pictures, memes and feel good news stories.

I made a charcuterie board, which always makes me feel good. Go to your local grocery store and pick up some cheese and crackers and find something to celebrate.

I love summer the most, but fall is a close second. Those fall colors are just stunning. Go on a drive to find some fall colors, or some porch decor.

This is me for the rest of the year. Expect my emails at work to reflect this πŸ˜‚

I have been really enjoying my Peloton. I did a whole post/review about it. Totally worth it. Want to workout and don’t have a bike? Download the app and do some of their bodyweight workouts!

Another good meme. Love some classic art memes and this is also me for the rest of the year.

I got a haircut after going months without one. In need of some self-care? Book a haircut, pedicure or something to treat yourself. I go to Sine Qua Non in Lakeview and I highly recommend.

One more meme for you. This is me after all the political ads. I can’t handle any more. I already voted and I hate hearing Trump’s voice.

And now for some good news:

Some really good news from London: they’ve had a dramatic reduction in air pollution.

This is such a funny headline: Rescue dog sniffs out poop to conserve whales πŸ˜‚

Want some funny COVID signs from a restaurant in Austin?

Hilary Duff is pregnant again!

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We bought a Peloton! Previously, we had been using a…